
pattern translations

When you are ready to make your designs available to even more knitters around the world, you still want your patterns to sound like you even in the translated version. You want them to be just as clear, easy to follow, fun to knit from, and with your distinctive voice shining through, just like any other of your patterns. That’s where my combination of tech editing and translation skills shine!


As a native Norwegian speaker, fluent in English and just as comfortable knitting from a Scandinavian pattern as one in English, I’ll use my tech editing background to make sure the translated instructions are just as helpful, clear, concise, correct and consistent as in the original version of your pattern, as well as fitting in with the standard in the intended market.

By now you can probably knit your own pattern in your sleep. You have read and re-read your instructions, and checked and double-checked your numbers. The thing is, it is practically impossible to catch all of your own mistakes, typos and little bits of missing information. You are too close to your own pattern and your own writing. After all, you know what you mean, right? That’s where I as a trained tech editor come in.

I will go over your pattern line by line with a fine-toothed comb, looking for typos, grammatical errors, punctuation issues, style inconsistencies, checking all the numbers in all the sizes, checking charts and chart keys, written instructions, finished measurements and abbreviations. Basically everything and anything that is likely to cause problems for your customers. 

Tailored to fit your unique needs.


Do you need help translating knitting-related content for your website? Or do you perhaps prefer that someone else does all the extra calculations and conversions that might be needed when you want your patterns translated? Do you need written instructions for your charts or help to create a style sheet?


Feel free to contact me regarding this or any other needs related to your patterns and designs.


Whether you’re curious about the process or interested in a free quote for your pattern, I’m here to answer any questions.


En norsk versjon av nettsiden vil komme etterhvert. Dersom du har spørsmål, ønsker et gratis prisoverslag, eller ønsker informasjon på norsk, ta kontakt så skal jeg hjelpe så godt jeg kan.